Family vacation on a farm in Austria

On your marks, get set, go... the adventure playground for the whole family is waiting for you. Here you can run and jump to your heart's content . All family members will get their money's worth on a family vacation on the farm.

Kind mit Mama bei Ziege | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Daniel Gollner

Fun on the farm with the whole family activities for young and old

A farm vacation is an experience for the whole family - at any time of year! Greet the first calves in spring, romp barefoot through the meadows in summer, harvest fresh fruit in fall or trudge through the snow in winter - unforgettable moments await you here.

Children playfully discover life on the farm while their parents enjoy nature and relax. Feeding the animals, tasting fresh farm produce or exploring the surroundings together - there is something for everyone to experience here.

A family vacation that connects and will be remembered for a long time to come!

Experiences on the farm

Hängestühle im Chalet Kaiser auf dem Balkon | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Kärnten / Daniel Gollner

Exceptional living

Innovative, simple and luxurious

Frau liest Buch in Hängematte | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Daniel Gollner

Auszeit nehmen

Naturnahe Inspiration, Entspannung und raus aus dem Alltag

Frau macht mit dem Rechen Heu | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Kärnten/ Daniel Gollner

Bauernhof erleben

Naturnahe Inspiration, Entspannung und raus aus dem Alltag

Gedeckter Tisch | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Daniel Gollner

Hofprodukte genießen

Naturnahe Inspiration, Entspannung und raus aus dem Alltag

Space to play

A break with your loved ones, surrounded by beautiful landscapes, clucking chickens and cuddly little cats, is the ideal opportunity to catch your breath. Do you think so too? Then look for one of our family farms. The hosts are looking forward to welcoming you soon.

In both the summer and winter months, you can have lots of fun with the whole family at any time of year on a farm vacation!

A promise in advance: Happy children's laughter and shining eyes are as much a part of unforgettable family time on thefarm as the sprinkles on the apple pie.



Quality and trust

  • Alles Kindgerecht

    Gitterbett, Hochstuhl und Töpfchen, alles inklusive!

  • Spielen und Toben

    Hier spielst du drinnen und draussen

  • Sicherheit

    Entspannter Urlaub für Groß und Klein

How would you like to organize your vacation?

Find the right vacation farm for your family here

Mann im Portrait | © Urlaub am Bauernhof/ Daniel Gollner

We normally find it difficult to get our children out of bed in the morning. Here on the farm, however, they sneak out of the bedroom at dawn to help with the stable work.

Ralf, Vacationers from Münster

Our specialized baby and children's farms

Mit unseren Bauernhof-Urlaubstipps bist du immer gut informiert.

Hase frisst Löwenzahn | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Daniel Gollner

Get in touch with us! We are happy to help!

Wishes? Questions? Comments? For all your concerns, you can contact us by phone during our office hours or at any time by e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you!

Andrea Sommerauer

Holidays on the Farm in Austria